Biyernes, Mayo 27, 2011

good eyes...genuine heart..

when you learn to accept your flaws,
you'll appreciate what others have that you don't.

and you will live peacefully ever after.....
(feel lucky to have eyes for good things
and a heart that knows genuinity.)

unworthy of your laugh

"behind a crazy person is a deep pain and a lost hope."
-i realize this whenever i see one of them.

their last words are usually the happiest and/or the saddest events they've had in their former sane life. they're not worth the all.

just feel lucky enough to be "NOT-ONE-OF-THEM".

speak ill not.

don't speak ill of your foes..
instead pray that they'll be blessed with sound mind
and GROW.

that's how a sane person reacts.

make it real

a dream remains a dream 'til u woke up..
so, wake up! and do what u can do
to make that dream come true.

is Love Blind?

LOVE is not just DOESN'T MIND!

The Keys

and the key to ACCEPTANCE is ADMITTANCE.
and the key to ADMITTANCE is HUMILITY.

find it!

find in your heart the kindest you..
then you'll never get mad.


don't just talk and talk and talk..
sometimes we have to
listen .. think .. then speak.

i'm alive

♪ ♫ bluer than blue..sadder than sad ♪ ♫
but i'm happy to feel this..
cause when i look at the brighter side of it ~ I'M ALIVE!

a mother to her child

Though I haven’t prepared a good life before you came,
And have not invested properties that we can claim,
Mom swears to work the hardest I can
That could make you someday become my biggest fan.
I have not much to offer,
No diamonds, no pearls
Just Love and the gift of Prayer.
And in that prayer are little wishes
For you now and for your future
You may not be born rich like a princess
But God knows how wealthy you are of my love and kisses.
I may not be able to give you the world’s greatest
But mommy loves you the BEST!

how disappointing..

we are living in a world where people's words matter when it's a negative judgement...

how disappointing...


people tend to be FAKE in facing life's REALITY...

when you're alone, you get to be the realest you..
but when you go out and mingle,
you are constrained to be unreal and act unyou
just for the people to like you, this is true.

now tell me who's fake and who's faker?

why complicate?

people who make rules are the ones who complicate life..

when in the REALEST REALITY..

LIFE should be a GIFT.

TO ALL OF US ~ not only to the RICH PEOPLE.

the Celebrant

why do we keep asking for gifts on Christmas day?
oh we are so forgetting something ...
we are not the celebrant...
He is.

same difference

in love & relationships..
when you 'kiss & tell'
you are a lousy lover.

in friendships...
when you 'fight & tell'
you are not a friend at all.

cause a friend keeps secrets unrevealed
'til thy last breath.


LOVE is Life
PAIN is Real Life.

then why?


They say it's normal..
then why does it drive me crazy?

They say it's kind..
then why does it hurt so bad?

They say it sees us through..
then why does it make me blind?

They say it finds a way..
but pain is blockin' my way.

They say it feels so right..
then why does it seems so wrong?

They say forever it stays..
then why did he go away?

They say it never dies..
but together with time, it flies.

They say it's for real..
but why only in my dreams do i find LOVE?



the GLUE

in relationships.... 

RESPECT is the glue.
not LOVE.

Huwebes, Mayo 26, 2011

wrong sum can sometimes be a right feeling

one happy mind + one happy heart = one happy soul.

a wrong mathematical sum but an event that feels so right.

The penguin shines across the loving hydrogen.

The penguin shines across the loving hydrogen.
The penguin shines across the loving hydrogen. 
The penguin shines across the loving hydrogen.

it melts my heart to see

 It melts my heart to see
Life’s inequality..
To see the poor
Having meals on the floor.
Sharing together
Small amount of rice.
While others’ live with lies.
Some are busy “all-day shopping”
While some families are starving.
Some enjoy dressing up their expensive pet
While few kids don’t even own slippers, I bet.
How can they live like that?
While others' live like rats.

Who gets the blame?
Is it them who were born naturally rich?
Or them who work their sweats off?
Or is it ME?
Who realizes LIFE'S unjust reality?
It just..
it melts my heart to see.